Whoever you are, wherever you may be on your journey…
Welcome to The First Church of Deerfield, cited by a visitor turned newcomer as “the most welcoming church I’ve ever been to!” Thank you for visiting our website. We do our best to reflect God’s inclusive vision for humanity and are proudly an Open and Affirming Congregation. We enjoy each other and our church, and look forward to welcoming you.
There will be NO MORNING WORSHIP at the Brick Church on Sunday, December 29 .
We will gather again at 10 am on January 5 for Epiphany Sunday –
Please join us then!
As worship alternatives for this week,
may we suggest:
Sunday, December 29
@ 10 am
Lessons and Carols at St James and Andrew Episcopal, Federal Street, Greenfield.
– or –
Monday, December 30
@ 5:30 pm
Public Menorah Illumination Ceremony on Greenfield Common, followed by potato pancake social at the Greenfield Public Library. Snacks, games, music, talks on history and mysticism. Sponsored by the Greenfield Orthodox Coalition.
– or –
December 31
@ 7 pm
Candlelight Taize Service with Eventide Singers, at 7pm at Second Congregational Church, Court Square, Greenfield (Come at 6:30 to learn the Taize chants). Song and prayer in a contemplative environment.
Worship IN-PERSON at the Brick Church SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:00 AM
We look forward to meeting you!
COVID SAFETY POLICY: We monitor local covid levels and adjust our worship accordingly. At present, mask wearing is optional. For those practicing social distancing, our large side box pews offer additional space.
DIGITAL WORSHIP: If you would like to receive the weekly video of our Sunday worship service directly by email, please contact the church office at the email address below.
The First Church of Deerfield ~ 71 Old Main Street ~ Deerfield, MA 01342
Mailing : The First Church of Deerfield ~ PO Box 276 ~ Deerfield, MA 01342